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Ruby W

Ruby developed self-confidence in setting and achieving her health goals while keeping her symptoms in check

Before working with my nutritionist, I was chasing every possible "cure" I could find online. Every pathway shared by someone who successfully reached and stayed in remission for 5+ years was unique, where at times these tips would contradict one another. This caused me to be in a very confused, desperate space where I no longer knew how to listen to my body. I was following one pathway after another and eventually found myself on a very restricted diet.

It was very hard for me to figure out who was more informed and trustworthy. I wasn't sure which tip would help me or make me worse. At this point, I was roughly 5 pounds underweight, stressed out of my mind, and very unhappy. I wasn't able to sleep well, get all the right nutrients needed from food, and had bloody stools with every bowel movement along with urgency. I was centering all my efforts, mental space, emotions, and conversations around IBD. The more anxious I felt, the more I had to use the restroom. I was deep into the rabbit hole and couldn't figure out how to navigate this situation.

I needed help finding a customized food plan that worked for me and would help me reach remission. I wanted to learn more IBD from a nutrition level and be able to listen to my own body again. I needed guidance to figure out and separate fact from myth, navigate the grey areas with nutrition and have someone show me that I can expand my palette without fear or compromising current progress. I needed help to not be scared of the "what- ifs" from food.

Initially, I thought that I could figure it out as there were many resources out there such as books, medical studies, YouTubers, or people on Instagram. I then realized everyone's solution contradicted one another and left me back in square one. Searching and seeking (especially online) without proper knowledge of the subject matter has a funny way of letting you think you are learning more and more while leaving you even more confused the further you go.

"She genuinely cares about your wellbeing and overall progress. She has so much empathy in what you are going through and is always there to help support and stir you in the right direction, whatever it may be for you."

I needed to find a trustworthy nutritionist to help me figure me the right plan for me - completely customized. I knew the value of guidance and reassurance from a nutritionist would be key to helping me get into a better state. It was important for me to work with a nutritionist who also had IBD, especially UC, as she would know exactly what I am going through and could truly provide detailed and customized guidance.

Since working with my nutritionist at Romanwell, she has tremendously helped me realize that starting small helps you achieve bigger goals. She would break down my big goals into smaller, attainable ones, and each week that would create daily habits that would help me get closer to the bigger goals I wanted to achieve. This shift in thinking helped me feel more confident and I can handle anything thrown my way be it good or bad.

She genuinely cared about my wellbeing and overall progress. She had so much empathy in what I was going through and was always there to help support and stir me in the right direction, whatever that may be. She was very detailed, thorough, and caring. Her check-ins, explanations, and overall friendship through this have been paramount. She has made one of the most complex problems in my life more comprehensible and manageable.

Working with one of the nutritionists at Romanwell will help you in so many ways that it would be a mistake to not go for it. I personally am in a much better place having worked with them. Furthermore, they deal with your overall lifestyle - not just nutrition! It is full circle that expands to other key lifestyle factors such as sleep, stress resilience, exercise, mindset, etc. My nutritionist also had a great way of adding a positive spin and providing comical relief at times when I was filled with anxiety.

All client names and photographs have been changed to protect their privacy.

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